Hello everyone!
Welcome to our blog, Slice of Meat. Indonesia Based Food Blog.

Slice of Meat is our first blog together and was created to share our passion about food and travel. We are lucky to have parents who like to travel. As we are growing up, we often travel around together as a family at least once a year before me and my sister started to study abroad and had a different schedule from the others. Travelling is one of a few aspect that make us love to eat so much. It widens our knowledge about food in other part of the world. We love Indonesian, Japanese, Western, Korean, Cajun, Chinese, Thai, and any food that taste good!

Not only eating, we also love to cook, especially baking! Hopefully we can share a lot of our great moments with you.

Follow us on social media to know more about us!

Many Thanks and Cheers! :)

-Oktarina P. Wuinata & Yosephine D. Wuinata-